Thursday, 4 February 2016

Religion and Us

The other day myself and Nimisha
Were having a conversation about how my Northern culture is a little similar to some of their Indian culture. And also how diverse in Culture both countries are (Nigeria and India).

We then brought up the religion topic. She was feeding me on the different religions in India and I was telling her more about Islam as well. We like talking about both our cultures and how things are being done in our traditions and religions because we always draw lessons from such convo and things always made a lot of senses every time. Because at the end of the day, all religions have one thing in common, the believe that there is a higher power.

Prayer is probably the only way to talk to God. It is simply having a conversation with God. When talking to God you may have to have a quiet room in your house to use even though it doesn't matter to God wherever you pray but a quiet place and having a consistent time for prayer will help you focus. Don't make prayer complicated. Pray with respect as God is the King of creation.

Sometimes we make religion what we want it to be, we exaggerate and paint this picture of religion to suit or satisfy us. It doesn't matter what religion you and I practice. At the end of the day we are all humans and we all believe that there is God, a higher power.  Religion really is to make us all better persons in the society. Using common sense, reasoning, living in peace, loving one another, distinguishing between right and wrong, just believing in Humanity as a whole is part of religion and should be our focus i believe.

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